This is an American History story of family, friends, business and greed.
It all begins with the mystery of a bankrupt pension of a suddenly closed steel plant in a big city.
Hundreds of hard-working union men were fired and lost their pension, including my grandpa.
With only a sixth-grade education, he never had that kind of good paying job in our small town the rest of his life.
Determined to find out how a union pension could somehow just disappear, I followed the money trail from St. Louis to Chicago, Detroit, New York, New Jersey, Phoenix and finally Las Vegas.
I researched personal accounts of workers from construction, stockyards, waterfront docks, automotive, coal, steel and iron plants, then explain how their leaders conspired to create, then destroy the American Dream of the Middle Class.
My Autobiographical Novel is also full of fun memories of family, friends, cars, college, casinos, my political evolution, dating the girls, romancing the wife, marriage, starting our business and getting back some of Grandpa'$ Money.
Book Length: 150-320 Pages