Money Counting book for kids by Unity B
This rhyme-based Money Counting book will help your kids to identify and count money quickly.
- Penny
- Nickel
- Dime
- Quarter
- Half Dollar
- One Dollar
- Two Dollars
- Five Dollars
- Ten Dollars
- Twenty Dollars
- Fifty Dollars
- One Hundred Dollars.
This book will help little tots in learning how to count identify, do skip
counting as well as do regular counting of money.
Written in the form of short verse, the book contains detailed photos of coins
and currency notes laid against colourful and bold backgrounds making it easy
to learn and remember about them.
This Money Counting Book for Kids is the perfect introduction to counting,
addition, and identifying American money.
From one-penny to one-dollar and Two Dollars bills to One Hundred Dollar bills,
It helps the kid to learn the various coins, their mathematical relationships,
and how to add them all together.
The author Unity B. has created a beautiful rhyming masterpiece for the
children to identify and remember coins and bills. The author teaches the kids
about money addition and skip-counting technique which makes it easy and fun
approach for kids.