The Hollow Man
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The Hollow Man by Paul Hollis



"Draws you right in with imagery and intrigue of a strange dream, very well plotted, left me feeling I was comfortably in the hands of someone who could take me along on a great ride." James Kahn, Bestselling Author and Playwright (The Goonies, Star Trek, Time's Dark Laughter).

A terrorist’s plot, the assassination of a prime minister, holds the key to an apocalyptic plot to destroy Europe’s economy. It’s impossible to stop, but one man doesn’t know enough to think the world can’t be saved. He’s no hero; not clever or capable, talented or tested. The Hollow Man is just trying to survive in an uncertain climate where terrorism is changing the rules of how we live.

˃˃˃ THE HOLLOW MAN belongs on the big screen. I'm hoping Hollis ships this novel to either Indie filmmakers or perhaps to the titans in Hollywood. I predict that if this is adapted for film, it will be a mega hit. ~ E.L. Phoenix, AIA Reviewer

˃˃˃ It isn’t often that an action-packed, thrill ride of a spy book will also pack a wallop of humor AND explore the deep recesses of the human soul. Paul Hollis manages to pull off the nearly impossible in The Hollow Man: to present a story that keeps you turning the pages with an intriguing, action-oriented plot that also has unexpected moments of great humor and great pathos. ~ Isobel DuSharm, Amazon Reviewer

˃˃˃ The writing is nothing less than superb and Hollis describes his scenes with stunning creativity. ~ RAV, Amazon Reviewer

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