The Holy Spirit Hitlist: Unleash 15 Powerful Prayers to Seek Salvation for the Unbelievers in Your Life
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Bring everyone around you closer to God with this life-changing manual to ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and intervention in their lives.

Have you ever felt helpless when it comes to the people who don’t believe in God in your life? 

Maybe it's a family member who has rejected Christianity, a friend who seems indifferent to spiritual matters, or a co-worker who is openly hostile towards religion. 

You've tried talking to them, inviting them to church, and even giving them books to read, but nothing seems to make a difference. 

It's easy to feel discouraged and wonder if there's anything more you can do to help them see the truth.

This is when they need you the most.

God gave the gift of the Holy Spirit to strengthen and guide His people.

But there are times when they are blinded by the sins of the world, preventing them from seeing the light and understanding the truth of God’s love.

And there is no better help than asking the Holy Spirit to intervene and work in their hearts.

Read inside this life-changing guide to make you an instrument of God’s grace and discover how to effectively share the Word with the unbelievers around you.

Inside, you will discover:

  • A prayer guide with 15 effective prayers to help you focus on specific people and situations — become a powerful tool in God’s hands and fulfill your role as a Christian
  • A deeper appreciation and gratitude for the Holy Spirit as you understand how the Holy Spirit works and guides you in your spiritual journey
  • Wider knowledge of the power of prayer and how it can bring about miraculous changes in the hearts of all people, unbelievers included
  • Biblical affirmations and Scripture references to strengthen your faith and trust in God's power — approach your loved ones with confidence and speak truth into their lives
  • A closer look into the minds and hearts of unbelievers — and why it’s important for you to approach them with compassion and respect
  • How to champion personal evangelism through effective practice and asking your faith to walk you into the challenges of discipleship 
  • How to overcome the various barriers of other people accepting Christ in their lives — resistance is inevitable, but don’t simply back down; you’re a witness for God!
  • The importance of sharing your own testimony and encouraging others to do the same — be the catalyst for change in the lives of those you love with the power of prayer!

And much more…

It's understandable to have doubts and fears, but don't let them stop you from spreading the Word of God. 

Trust that God is working in their hearts and that you are simply a vessel through which his love and truth can flow.

It’s time to make a difference in the lives of thos

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