Genres : Children's

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Date: 09/30/2022
Looking for a fun and playful book for a child in your life?If you could choose any animal to be your very own tiny pet, what would you choose? What fun things would you do...
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$3.99 $3.99
Date: 09/30/2022
With full colour illustrations and simple rhyming verses, this book is for little people everywhere, so they know that they are wonderful people, with the capacity of genius like Marie Curie, with fiery courage like...
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Raccoon Ruby Learns to Wait by Dan Parisson

Date: 09/28/2022
Looking for an easy way to teach children patience?The best way is a story. A story can be read at any time, at bedtime or during the day. A cute and funny short story will...
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Have you seen baby pigeon by Hanna Kowalewska

Date: 09/15/2022
Impostor syndrome in kids? Have you ever noticed your child says something like, "I'm not good enough in drawing so I won't never became an artist" or "I'm not good enough to be in the...
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$12.99 $14.99
Date: 08/30/2022
All fairy tales speak of a hero's journey and follow much the same format - the main character meets challenges and overcomes them through might, magic, or marriage. The newly realized fairy tales and stories...
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$2.99 $2.99

The Resilient Seed by Roy Francis

Date: 08/12/2022
To value the good days, bad days need to happen. This children's book will teach everyone how to not take things for granted. It is crazy how people don't know what they have till it's...
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Know your Numbers by Raymond Ace

Date: 08/11/2022
Learn your numbers and trace them outAnd you can also colour your numbers in any colourIts great for your kids in developing various literacy skills
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Date: 08/10/2022
Follow a young girl on her mindful journey of understanding that we are all connected and that all living things on this Earth should be valued and not taken for granted.A Letter For You is the...
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The Battle For Goatly Hall by Ruby Maxwell

Date: 08/05/2022
Oh no! The Goats are in trouble! The BAD news? They have nowhere to live. The EVEN WORSE news? They have no money. But the GOOD news? They have a plan. And the REALLY GREAT...
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Free $7.99
Date: 08/02/2022
Do you want your child to play sports with joy? This book is for you! It is difficult to imagine modern children without gadgets, electronic games, and the Internet. That is why it has become...
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