Forgotten Genius: a docu-drama about the life of Augustus Welby Pugin. In this new play, Sue Cole explores the wonderful life of A W Pugin, architect and designer. A leading figure in the neo-gothic movement, he changed the way our country looks, altered the way we live our lives and developed many aspects of society that we take for granted. And yet, he is relatively unknown. In this play, Sue Cole has two main themes: his extraordinary legacy, and why he is not credited with it. Spanning the early 19th century and the modern day, this play is informative, humorous and surprising. It brings Pugin, and those around him, to life. The play is ideal either for acting or for group reading. Once you have experienced this docu-drama, you will never forget Augustus Welby Pugin ever again.

FREE eBook From September 4 – 6, 2020