If you’re fed up with the only thing that changes on your paycheck stub is the date, then this 30-minute read is for you. You’ve played the loyal employee long enough. And if the current state of the world has taught you anything, it’s that there’s no such thing as a secure job.

So why continue building other people’s dream while deferring your own? Especially when we’re at the beginning of a paradigm shift that favors the entrepreneur.

You definitely excel at your craft, but just lack the business-savvy to net the six- and seven-figure lifestyle you deserve. This manuscript provides you the conceptual basic knowledge that you’re missing. It’s relatable without being overwhelming – a key element to evaluating your why to get you in motion with the how.

And the best part is it only takes up one essential hour of your day …the lunch break. You know, the only hour you spend at work NOT getting paid. Discover the Lunch Break Hustler way to prioritize your time and financial goals to get you to the finish line quicker and less stressed.

Because we don’t get mad or even …we get our own.

FREE eBook from October 29 – 30, 2020