Two captivating manuscripts in one book:

• History of Italy: A Captivating Guide to Italian History, Starting from the First Settlements through the Middle Ages to the Modern Period

• History of Rome: A Captivating Guide to Roman History, Starting from the Legend of Romulus and Remus through the Roman Republic, Byzantium, Medieval Period, and Renaissance to Modern History

It is not an easy job to draw the border between the history of Italy and the history of Rome. In so many places, the two political and geographical entities collide. They wouldn’t be possible without each other, but they each have their own story. Rome’s history is only a small fragment of Italy’s history. Although it is just a city, Rome was the birthplace of the republic, a great empire, and notable philosophers, poets, and artists. But on a larger scale, Rome expanded its borders, spreading not only through Italy but also through the whole known world. In that context, Rome ceased being only a city; it also became a universal imperial symbol and the pride of Italy.

If you want to learn more about the history of Italy and Rome, get this book now!

Italian History by Captivating History on Amazon Kindle