Genres : Noir
The Wizard-Thieves (The City of Wizards Book 1) by Bradley Pontius
Date: 04/25/2022
The Wizard-Thieves is a decopunk fantasy novel set in Thaumopolis, the City of Wizards. A world that blends tolkien-esque fantasy with Boardwalk Empire. The action follows Salrik Strongbow, an orc gumshoe detective, as he races...
Genre: Noir
Book Length: 150-320 Pages
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The Adulterer’s Handbook: A Novel (The Adulterer Series Book 1) by Peter Gutteridge
Date: 04/19/2022
I'm about to jump into the canal and pull her to safety when I stop at the edge of the towpath.What if I do nothing...?If you're having an affair and you don't want to get...
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Book Length: 150-320 Pages
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The Wizard-Thieves by Bradley Pontius
Date: 03/07/2022
Something wicked is happening in Thaumopolis, The City of Wizards. Salrik Strongbow, infamously known as a drunken tough-guy as much as he is for being the only orc detective in the city, finds himself in...
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Genre: Noir
Book Length: 150-320 Pages
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