Every business leader wants to make their organization more profitable, more productive, more competitive, more socially responsible, and a more conducive place to work at. Can we say that all businesses achieve these objectives? No. And the reason for it is that despite harboring the best of intentions, many organizational leaders do not know how to develop organizations that go on to become the envy of the business world.

The ideal solution to creating great organizations is by establishing the highest standards for how communication is conducted and internal processes handled. Most leaders would agree, but only a few would know exactly how to go about achieving these objectives. This book highlights the proven core techniques and how you can consistently apply them to foster an organization in becoming a model corporate citizen.

Here’s a preview of this wonderful book, and what else you’ll learn:

Why is the organizational culture the centerpiece of everything it stands for and how do you breathe life into it

Establishing and implementing SMART goals that inspire everyone in coming together to achieve them

Execution. Execution. Execution. Coming up with great ideas and putting them into action

Gathering all the resources at your disposal and delivering breakthrough results

Continually measuring the outcomes of your implemented strategies and making improvements as you go along

And much more!

99 Cent Bargain Book from September 2 – 4, 2020