Screen time, and how much of it that we should allow, is one of the most discussed topics out there. The horror stories would have us believe that it does nothing but rot your child’s brain. Often, these barely credible opinions can sway a parent into making rash decisions concerning how long their child should spend on devices well also making parents feel inadequate for even just allowing screen time in the first place. In this book, John and Kimberley Woods take the lid off this powder keg issue and look inside the barrel to show us that screen time, as a whole, has been vastly misrepresented. We have all heard the negativity surrounding this topic so how about some positivity for once!? All your questions will be answered in an informative and occasionally humorous way, that will take some of the edge off of an issue that can sometimes consume us in this technological world. All of your fears will soon be laid to rest, as they not only debunk a lot of these opinions but give wonderful tips, tricks, and answers to the unavoidable ones that really can become a problem. With an open-minded view on screen time, and a balanced opinion delivered in a conversational, yet educated manner, John and Kimberley will help you to understand the joys and benefits that can be achieved by not only embracing screen time but by using it as a tool.