Joyful Economy: Realizations And Practices For Creating A Joyful And Fulfilling Relationship With Money, Finances And Your Soul (Awakening To Joyful Living Tools Book 2)
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Experience Joy Freedom And Abundance Regardless Of Your Financial Situation If you’re like most people on a spiritual journey (and most people in general,) your relationship with money is one of the most challenging relationships in your life. And, it’s a challenge with great transformational potential. Because, just like financial problems and worries affect all aspects of life, so does creating a joyful and fulfilling relationship with money. Dedicating yourself to it could be one of the most powerful decisions you will ever make, for yourself and for those around you. Imagine feeling joy every time you review your bank statements, your cash flow or any other aspect of your daily interaction with money and finances. Imagine your financial situation feeling so balanced and joyful that you can: • Sleep well at night rather than lay sleepless because of money worries. “You gave me something bigger than money. I am at peace, and I sleep peacefully since I began to practice what is in this book, the big master key to everlasting wealth and joy." • Feel relaxed and thus healthier rather than developing stress in your body, emotions and mind "I discovered the link between my own well-being (and belief that I am abundant) and the actual flow of money.” • Feel supported in your relationships rather than fight over money • Choose the work that is and feels right for you rather than what you hope will give most money • Feel connected and aligned with your soul rather than feeling alone and lost • Experience life as flowing, fulfilling and joyous every day, regardless of your circumstances. • Know that you can have everything you need and everything you truly want, and more than that. Most people believe, that if only they can get their finances in place, all of the above will follow. But it’s not true. In fact, it works the other way round. Here’s how: With Joyful Economy you will be invited into the spiritually (in a broad sense of the word) and also experientially based perspectives that can in truth liberate you. They have nothing to do with how much money you may or may not have and everything to do with how you relate to yourself and to money as energy. “It was a transcending experience... I was transported into pure joy and abundance. Halina Goldstein captures the poetry and wonder of money as pure energy masterfully. And shows how we can allow ourselves to discover our relationship with it with joy." You will learn and know how to cultivate 5 simple, powerful and joyful practices. They don’t take much time, but step by step, day by day they will help you heal your relationship with money. And from there bring healing to all your relationships and all aspects of your life. "I believe the joyful practices are the foundation for what I have been manifesting, and they are also making my life in general more joyful" Get the book, apply the practices and see change happening not only for you, but also for those around you and ultimately our world.
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