Americana A Civics Handbook: Second Edition by Mary B. Mackley
Learn or review the foundations of our nation with newly revised Civics Handbook. Have your own copy of the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights + a wealth of basic civics information in one book. National Symbols, Historic Sketches,
US Civics Test & a note on the National Parks are included plus Much More. Trivia treasure chest. All ages will enjoy, from Middle
& High School students to adults as a review. The book received the 2017 Silver Medal Award by the Military Writers Society of America, Young Adult category. And it was a Finalist in the 2017 International Book Awards & 2016 Best Book Awards, both in the U.S. History category. Revised June 2023. Don't miss out!
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Book Length: 150-320 Pages