Genres : Non Fiction

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Date: 12/16/2023
A book of wisdom and a heart-felt assortment of poems, prose, spiritual and philosophical reflections that expand the mind, speak to the soul, and touch the heart. You’ll feel as if you’ve received a rare...
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Date: 12/15/2023
A delightful collection of funny short stories that weave together the eccentric lives of Uncle Mentaloo, Uncle Sukhu, Aunty Dato, and Aunty Kunti. Set in a charming town where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, each tale...
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The Power of the Hollow Bone by Phoenix Rising Star

Date: 12/15/2023
How do you see faster and better transformational results in your holistic healing practice? The solution has nothing to do with marketing techniques, how intuitive you are, or how many modalities you know. The solution...
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AWOKEN Conspiracy or Theory? by Donald Galade

Date: 12/15/2023
This book was listed for the first time on 12-11-23. By 12-13-23 it was #1 in Many Categories on Amazon IN 3 COUNTRIES. Individual freedoms are sacrificed for the so-called greater good. A New World...
Genre: ,
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Free $9.99
Date: 12/13/2023
Only 6 percent of small business owners are between the ages of 20 and 30. Are you a young boss tired of having to navigate the world of entrepreneurship alone and seeking someone who can...
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Date: 12/12/2023
This book features 50 different ways to make money and get rich.
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Date: 12/11/2023
The world's worst life coach meets London's most clueless cop in a twisted comedy crime tale of heists, hitmen, and murder. After getting imprisoned for burgling his own home, Cuthbert Huntsman takes vengeance on the...
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Free $9.99
Date: 12/11/2023
An elite group asserts dominance and control of every aspect of your life, including your afterlife. Individual freedoms are sacrificed for the so-called greater good. A New World Order crushes dissidents, and this select group...
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$4.99 $7.99
Date: 12/11/2023
In the heart of a digital empire, the sin of Envy casts its shadows, sparking a cosmic clash between celestial forces. Souls, the battleground between God and Lucifer, become the key to a malevolent plan....
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$4.99 $9.99
Date: 12/11/2023
A book designed to help women and girls deal with rape and sexual attacks, and layout a path to increase the percentage of successful prosecutions above the meagre 1.50% at present.
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