Genres : Non Fiction


The Power of Commitment by Jeremy Lumford

Date: 07/15/2023
In a world filled with dreams and aspirations, the power of commitment shines as a guiding light, illuminating the path to success. It is a force that transcends mere intentions, fueling the unwavering determination to...
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Date: 07/15/2023
Do you long for a beautiful and productive garden without the overwhelming work? Are you ready to turn your outdoor space into a haven of tranquility and effortless enjoyment? Discover the secrets of designing, creating,...
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Free $0.99
Date: 07/14/2023
The purpose of this book is to show and give confidence to someone, looking to dip their toes into buying and or holding (hodling) Bitcoin. Bitcoin is unique. Bitcoin is a chance. Now maybe the...
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Date: 07/14/2023
"If you're a climate-conscious but busy web developer wanting to green your practice, Sustainable Web Design in 20 Lessons by Michael Andersen is your ideal starting point. Your day-to-day web development practice can be an...
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Free $9.99
Date: 07/13/2023
In today's competitive business landscape, creating a winning strategy is more important than ever. "Developing a Winning Strategy: A Guide to Effective Strategic Planning" is a comprehensive and practical guide for entrepreneurs, business owners, and...
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Free $2.99
Date: 07/13/2023
Overdelivering is not a victimless crime. It's been known to drain the life out of well-meaning coaches and service providers until the joy and cash run out and the desperation and regret rush in. What's...
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Free $2.99
Date: 07/13/2023
Relationships flourish and improve when you learn to communicate with those around you—meaning less miscommunication, less anger, less sadness, and less heartbreak. You can become a powerful communicator. You can learn to better understand those...
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Free $7.99

The Turnaround by Robert S. Curry

Date: 07/12/2023
“ABC Computer Distributors”—a Pennsylvania-based company—was heading for bankruptcy due to poor leadership, causing substantial operating losses. In The Turnaround, Robert Curry accounts the actual events of this successful turnaround, describing the profit-improvement process he used...
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Free $0.99
Date: 07/12/2023
An ALL-IN-ONE book for Men who want to start their OWN FAMILY by having a baby. Expertise these 15 Pregnancy steps and your female partner will really appreciate you for your efforts & ALL-ROUND care...
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The Vitality System by Kyle Gonzalez

Date: 07/10/2023
What does being healthy mean to you? The answer to this question can look quite different depending on whom you ask. Despite this subjectivity, one thing remains clear: the vast majority of people struggle to...
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