Genres : Spirituality

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Date: 08/31/2022
Now, the fourth month in print, Faith-filled Confessions and Prayers is becoming one of the most read faith confession and prayer books in the world. The impact in the past three months has been amazing;...
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Date: 08/22/2022
Uncover the Power of Energy and Redirect Your Subconscious Mind and Find Happiness! - Discover Your True Self by Understanding How Your Inner Mind WorksAre you looking for a way to improve your life?Do you...
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Date: 08/13/2022
Where do we come from? What happens after we die? Religions have been answering these questions - and many more - for millennia. But while most of us are familiar with the answers of major...
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Date: 08/13/2022
You are not taught or informed about the preparatory process required for your spiritual journey. Hence you face pitfalls and blockages too soon, only to give up your path sooner than later. Moreover, your questions...
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Date: 08/05/2022
Find out why The Infinite Jeff is #1 on Goodread's "Best Spiritual Fiction" list.The Infinite Jeff is an uplifting and inspirational tale in spiritual fiction that will stay in your mind long after you close the back cover...
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Date: 08/01/2022
A magical water gate called Pyramid Lake holds the key to salvation. Access the Other World and discover its many secrets. Universal forces are on the verge of collision in a fantastic adventure that unfolds...
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Date: 07/31/2022
The importance of Elijah to the Abrahamic tradition cannot be over emphasised. Whereas as Noah is the harbinger of the deluge,it is Elijah who is prophesied to return in the End Times as the harbinger...
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Seven Paradigm Shifts by Camara Reed

Date: 07/14/2022
Seven Paradigm Shifts: Ways to upgrade your energy and let your higher self lead your wayDo you ever feel as though your life is racing by but not necessarily on your terms, or that you...
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Little One by Andy Smart

Date: 07/07/2022
A celebration of the beauty and potential found in all little ones.Cherish the blessing found in your little baby with this rolling, fun and cute picture book.“Little hands, little nose, great big eyes and little...
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Date: 06/14/2022
The choice to live in fear is entirely up to us. Unfortunately, many Christians choose to live in fear when it is completely unnecessary! Sometimes fear is trying to hide our sins, other times fear...
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