Genres : 320-650 Pages

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HEIMAT by Paul Marzell

Date: 06/23/2022
Heimat is an epic story of emigrants leaving post-WWI Germany in 1929 for America, intending to return someday to Neisse, their Heimat, as successful American citizens. Before leaving Germany, one emigrant’s plan began unraveling in...
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Date: 06/22/2022
Former commander of SEAL team one, Clyde Hayden, is now the new commander of the elite homicide division of the Phoenix Police Department. Hayden’s former fiancée, Jessica, shows up shortly after Clyde’s marriage is on...
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Date: 06/22/2022
Former commander of SEAL team one, Clyde Hayden, is now the new commander of the elite homicide division of the Phoenix Police Department. Hayden’s former fiancée, Jessica, shows up shortly after Clyde’s marriage is on...
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First Kiss by Ann Marie Frohoff

Date: 06/14/2022
Mature Young Adult: A sexually charged coming of age. ~ Jake, an up and coming teenage rocker on the verge of stardom, reconnects with Alyssa, the younger girl next door. When she becomes something more...
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The Never Hero by T. Ellery Hodges

Date: 06/11/2022
At the gates between worlds. In a war outside of time. He fights for us.They tell me heroes are the first to volunteer. But I was drafted.An Alien, Heyer, did this to me. I asked...
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Date: 06/07/2022
A young woman’s greatest dreams and darkest nightmares are pivoted against each other in this dynamic sci-fi thriller, They Will Be Coming for Us, the first in the Jovian Duology series. Svetlana Peterman desires nothing...
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Date: 06/07/2022
An independent woman with a passion for writing and painting. That's who Sophie was to everyone who knew her. After college, she came back to her hometown, small and quiet with nothing interesting happening, a...
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Date: 06/06/2022
Strangeness erupts in rural Tennessee when random people turn into avenging god-like killers, spouting bible verses about vengeance as they spill blood.Shasha Harrings and her team go on an investigation starting in the hills of...
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Date: 06/06/2022
A demigod princess stumbles upon a shocking discovery: a magic-powered machine with enough heart to become her little sister, and enough power to destroy her world.Cass, the hot-headed “Lightning Princess” of a hidden magical city...
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Date: 06/02/2022
Corporate America: a psychopath’s wet dream. It’s Alex Osman’s playground.Meet Alex. Alex is a single father. Alex is a psychopath. In public, he is a legend. In private, he is a madman. After losing his...
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