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Source Song by Michael Lawrence

Date: 01/17/2023
This is a poetry collection containing 99 short poems. It covers a wide range of themes and ideas, and might be best described by words like "spiritual" and "philosophical".  Below is the description copied from...
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Used: Not a Memoir by Sloane Ellis

Date: 01/17/2023
     When you always live an authentic life, you never have to keep your story straight. When Sloane woke up with searing pain and half the skin on his left foot shorn off, he...
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Free $2.99

The Erotic Notebooks by Yasmine Millett

Date: 01/16/2023
Originally written as a form of amorous confession to a new lover, The Erotic Notebooks appears now in print as a collection of fifteen beautifully crafted stories recalling the erotic evolution of a young woman seeking to...
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Date: 01/16/2023
Must Read for Persons on Their Journey to Self-DiscoveryMaxwell Maltz once said, “you can always find the sun within yourself if you will only search.”We often ask ourselves various questions in our search to discover...
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Date: 01/14/2023
A game of truth or dare. No real names. No numbers exchanged. No strings attached.One night of forbidden passion changed my life forever.He doesn’t remember, but I can’t forget.I allowed a complete stranger to take...
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Date: 01/14/2023
When was the last time you took a moment for yourself? A moment to recollect your thoughts, tune into your body, and appreciate where you are?It has become harder, more than ever, to make time...
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Free $9.99
Date: 01/14/2023
There is a looming crisis. Millions of Baby Boomers are aging and will need care, but there are not enough beds for all of them.Residential Assisted Living is the solution! Running a Residential Assisted Living...
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The Mind Is Its Own Place by T.M Cicinski

Date: 01/14/2023
A collection of one hundred and thirty-six stories, sketches and parables, The Mind Is Its Own Place challenges readers to examine their own beliefs and assumptions on themes ranging from love and sex, to death,...
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The Inner Athlete by Martin Robert Hall

Date: 01/13/2023
HOW MUCH MORE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE CAPABLE OF?HOW OFTEN DO YOU GET IN YOUR OWN WAY?High performance begins in the mind. The more you engage your brain, the more control you will have...
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Laying The Foundation by Khadijah Butler

Date: 01/13/2023
Laying The Foundation Brick by Brick is a how-to guide complete with resources and links to establishing a 501c3 scholarship foundation to serve the under-served youth in your local community. During the foundation’s formation, it was...
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