

The Oldest Word by Johnny Firic

Date: 03/25/2023
“Plural identity is where respectful practice begins.”Who are you? Just the one body and mind? Does your story begin with your birth? Or how far back would you go?The Oldest Word spans ten thousand years...
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Date: 03/25/2023
The Handbook For A Disciple of Jesus is designed for those who want to deepen their knowledge of the Word of God.It contains the most highlighted and the most powerful scripture promises of the Bible, all...
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Dads, Kiss Your Sons by Mark Craven

Date: 03/24/2023
Terrified to Become a Dad? So Was I.Fear is often our first response when we discover we are going to be fathers. We talk to just about everyone we know or search for quick answers...
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Date: 03/24/2023
"He Might Be Lying" is a series of short stories that could have been a reality for some readers out there. The stories will have a hold on you while following the characters as they...
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Date: 03/24/2023
The Holy Spirit is a divine person with a presence. He is the third Person of the Godhead. Without a better understanding of the Holy Spirit, we cannot walk with Him. Connect with this book...
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Meditation for You by Victor Aditya Chopra

Date: 03/24/2023
Discover Inner Harmony with the Tried and Tested Techniques in This Essential Handbook on Meditation This is your ultimate companion to a serene and enriching existence. Each step in it will help you to rejuvenate...
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Date: 03/24/2023
Kyrion Nyx – Time is running out for me and the Paldimori.As the leader of the House of Night, I always thought I would die in battle meting out justice to our enemies—the Omàda. But...
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Dracula’s Servant: A Short Horror Story by Stories From The Attic

Date: 03/24/2023
When Dracula the Prince of Darkness first darkened these shores, there were before him harbingers, messengers singing and screaming to the bars of their asylums, about the coming of their dark Master. In Stoker's novel...
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Date: 03/24/2023
The Augmented Edition of The Stone Thieves is a #1 Amazon bestseller.With a new cover and a wonderful foreword by Academy Award Nominated Screenwriter, Terri Tatchell - this edition is packed full of amazing concept art...
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Kevin Wilks And The Power Stone by Kevin N Shortland

Date: 03/24/2023
Kevin Wilks is a young, strong-minded child thrust into the world of magic. He has strong beliefs but only accepts things if evidence can be shown or proved.He has a brother Paul 3 years older...
Genre: Fantasy
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